Xero and High Load

high load

How well does Xero deal with large transactions loads? GrowthPath presents results of intensive stress testing.

Cloud ERP Reviews

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Cin7, Dear Inventory, Unleashed, Trade Gecko inventory management reviews, with an expert's eye on accounting, costing, inventory management, supply chain, reporting and integration.

Cloud Accounting Review

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GrowthPath's review of Xero, MYOB, Quickbooks is a detailed analysis of the leading cloud accounting packages.

Cloud Security Risks

cloud security

Cloud software presents new business risks, and removes existing risks.

Glossary of terms used by GrowthPath


Business Drivers: Something external to the business which is influenceable, measurable and can be connected to a cashflow event (income or expense) via a simple linear formula. By focusing on a small number of business drivers, the business will grow. Business drivers should be the basis of forecasting, incentive schemes and business reporting & analysis.


API: A set of rules allowing a programmer to extract data and update data from a system. 

Cloud API: An API based on standard methods of exchanging data, allowing a wide range of programming languages. This eliminates lockin to a particular vendor. 



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